1. Publicaciones

Pubmed: Soriano V
Orcid: 0000-0002-4624-5199 (1121 publications recorded)
ResearcherID: O-5730-2018 (1239 publications recorded; “h” index: 86)
Scopus Author ID: 7201761180; 56504712600; 6701709219
Google Scholar: Ec6tizgAAAAJ (47280 records)
Índice «h»: 86

2. Libros 

  • Sherlock’s Textbook. Diseases of the Liver and Biliary System. Chapter 22: HIV and Viral Hepatitis coinfection. M Peters and V Soriano. 2011. Ed. Elsevier. Philadelphia, PA.
  • Rodés, Benhamou, Blet, Reichen & Rizzetto. Textbook of Hepatology. From Basic Science to Clinical Practice. 3rd Edition. Chapter 9: Viral Infections of the liver. Soriano V  et al. 2007. Ed. Blackwell Publishing. London, UK.
  • Manual del SIDA (Editions, 1997-2011). Editors: Vicente Soriano & Juan González-Lahoz. ISBN: 84-95.035-32-4. Publicaciones Permanyer. Barcelona, Spain.
  • Biología Molecular para Clínicos (Editions, 2000-2013). Editors: Vicente Soriano & Juan González-Lahoz. ISBN: 84-95035-17-0. Publicaciones Permanyer. Barcelona, Spain. (parrafo16px)
  • Farreras & Rozman. Medicina Interna. Capítulo 20: Coinfección VIH y Hepatitis. V Soriano. 2011. Ed. Masson. Barcelona, Spain.
  • HIV Infection. Antiretroviral resistance. Scientific basis and Recommendations for management (2009). François Clavel, Vicente Soriano & Andrew Zolopa. ISBN: 2-84504-019-0. Bash Medical Pub, Paris, France.
  • Soriano V & Cooper D. Antiretroviral Therapy. 2008. Ed Permanyer, Barcelona, Spain.